Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bandung and Dieng plateau

After Bandung (below you see a sketch of the trainstation of Bandung) we made a traintrip to Wonosobo. There we visited the Dieng plateau, with its beautiful multicoloured lakes and geisers. And a fantastic detailed old hindu temple, over 1200 years old (see sketch).
We also noticed that this region has a lot of potato and tobacco agriculture, I managed to sketch a man carrying (I think) tabacco leaves over the steep fields.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bogor and Bandung

We visited the famous botanic gardens of Bogor. I never saw so much diversity of tropical trees, plants and flowers, most of them I only know from expensive florists. Below a sketch of the buildings and palmtrees.
After that we continued towards Bandung; during a brief stop I had the chance to draw the above hilly teafields.

The next day we spend in Bandung, with very beatiful old colonial houses, although not all in good shape. Early morning we visited the still steaming and sulphur smelling volcano Tangkuban Perahu, where I was able to make this sketch. I used my grey ink fountain pens and waterbrush.
You can find a day to day travel journal on my blog:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trip through Indonesia

The past 2 weeks my wife and I went for a 16 day tour through Indonesia. We had a fantastic journey, not only because of the beautiful country, pleasant people, good food and fine weather, but also because of the excellent Indonesian guide and nice group of fellow Dutch travellers (26 in total).

Above you see the 10-day route through Java, by bus and train. Of course 10 days Java and 4 days Bali is not nearly enough to visit Indonesia properly, but my holidays are limited, so it was either this or not visiting at all. At least we had a good first impression of this fantastic country.
After a 19 hour flight from Amsterdam we arrived in Jakarta around noon.
We only had one afternoon to visit Jakarta, so we immediately went to the harbour where old wooden ships were being loaded by hand. These ships are so beautifully made, incredible. Real handicraft.
I was able to make this quick impression before we left for a tour through the citycenter, and a visit to the colonial museum.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Pecinan (Kota Cina) di San Francisco mungkin adalah salah satu yang paling terawat di dunia. Tidak hanya itu, ia juga merupakan sebuah penanda identitas masyarakat Cina di kota pantai barat Amerika ini. Berikut pecinan San Francisco yang saya coba abadikan dalam bentuk sketsa dan lukisan cat air.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sopir BRT

Sopir BRT, dari Penggaron di bagian paling timur kota, menuju ke Mangkang, ujung paling barat kota Semarang.
Derwent A6 Sketchbook, drawing pen 0.5, Sakura Koi Watercolor.
Lihat bagaimana di dalam bus :  VIDEO