Thursday, December 3, 2009

While They Sleep

Family member is one of the closest objects that easy to sketch.  We can find them in different style and gesture.  Since I'm a newbie in Urban Sketcher, my husband and my son become the object that I sketch mostly (of course I start when they were sleeping). 

 this is my husband.  I made this sketch in Ramadhan last month (after 'sahur)


this is my son.  I made this sketch two day after I finished skech of my husband (above)

*using Zaraza-Pilot gel 0.5 and Sakura-Koi watercolor


Antown said...

Itu adiknya zidan bukan? atau zidan lagi ngedot hehe..

Anonymous said...

hah? zidan belum punya adik, bung antown. yg dipeluknya itu boneka hiu (teman minum dotnya) :)

Antown said...

si ayah bantalnya pake guling, si zidan gulingnya pake boneka. hmmm, unik ya mbak? btw ini sketcbook ke berapa?

Anonymous said...

kalo ngga salah ini sketch book sy yg ke-3
--> ke-1: sketch book yg mirip dgn bung antown punya sekarang (gambar depannya leonardo davinci)
--> ke-2: yg keluaran Lyra (kertasnya sistem refill)
--> ke-3: yg keluaran Canson
--> ke-4: yg sekarang aq pake (ngga ada merk, teksture kertasnya mirip2 jenis Concorde)
sy sangat lapar mata kalo soal sketchbook, pengen nyobain target adalah moleskine, haha!