Sunday, December 6, 2009

onion & garlic from my kitchen

This time I try to sketch something from my kitchen, and I choose the onion and the garlic as the object.  In Indonesia, there is a tale about these Onion and Garlic.  It says that Onion and Garlic were step sister.  Based on their character, Onion is a girl with an evil hart and Garlic is a girl with an angelic heart.  The Garlic usually get abused (verbal and phisyc) by Onion and her mother.  But, as the common tale we know, this tale ended with 'happy ever after' for good girl, Garlic. What a tale!!

*done with Snowman Drawing Pen 0.3 and Sakura watercolor


Antown said...

sepertinya watercolornya masih awet :)
jgan pedulikan masalah berkapur atau tidak mbak, ITu bisa diakali dan disiasati.

DonaldSketchArt said...

lucu juga kalo dipertebal dengan pastel di highlight ato di background ya .. nyam nyam terasa garlicnya.

Anonymous said...

@ antown: maksudnya masih awet? sepertinya sy udh mulai bisa bersahabat erat dgn si Koi ini. mungkin kalo pindah ke cat air seperti punya bang dhar, harus perkenalan karakter cat air lagi mulai dari awal ;)

@donald: sy ngga tahu sama sekali teknik seperti itu, semoga bisa sharing suatu saat ya :)