Been very busy lately, I missed some sketching sessions with the community. I was lucky to have time on the weekends and managed to make some sketches. And here are the two of them. One was done on the Chinese town where I can seat down on my folding stool to do a panoramic wide angle view over the old houses lined in the small street there.
On the other weekend I did another panoramic sketch in Simpang 5 square. Both were on loose paper.
Old houses in Petudungan street, Semarang, Java. Loose paper with a fountain pen. |
Simpang Lima Semarang. Loose paper with brush pen and water colour. |
Please watch the
VIDEO here and also
hallo selamat siang,nama saya fanny apakah saya boleh menghubungi salah satu dari pihak yang mengembangkan urban sketchers indonesia itu, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan. terima kasih.
Thank you Linda
Fanny ... boleh , ini tempat terbuka bagi yang suka menggambar di lokasi (live sketch / sketch walk / sketchcrawl / urban sketching
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