Monday, April 9, 2012

Pasar Bulu Market

Pasar Bulu Semarang, one of the main traditional markets in Semarang, will soon be demolished and replaced with the new construction and design. Erected in the Dutch colonial era and designed by Ir. Thomas Karsten.

An old woman selling fruits in the outside of the Ps. bulu market building.
In her basket are Chinese peers, dukus, and papayas. Ten minutes walking on your feet from this place,
 you can buy the same things in a tottaly different way at Carrefour.
Notebook, drawing pen 0.4, watercolor.
See the video here :

Interior of the 2nd floor, the building is now left empty and will soon be demolished and replace with a new construction and design. 

One corner of the exterior of the building with a food stall where we can enjoy coffee or tea and have a meal.


oleh oleh khas medan said...

Gambarnya keren. Mirip aslinya

Gunawan Wibisono said...

terima kasih komennya

sketsa - boediono said...

interior of the 2nd floor + one corner of the exterior, i like them, the way you select the objects is sangat cerdas, ntar sesudah dibangun bangunan baru, sketsa itu jadi milik the past (the very past) ngga akan pernah kelihatan pada bangunan baru. congratulations.