Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Berikut adalah beberapa upload hasil sketsa selama sekitar sebulan terakhir ini. Kebanyakan seputar rumah sakit dan keluarga, 2 dunia yang saya cintai, dua dunia pengabdian, ibadah, dan tentu saja pembuktian jati diri profesi dan hakikat menjalani hidup sebagai makhlukNya_    

these are some of sketch work from last month and early of this month. mostly about hospital and family, 2 idea that i love, two idea of improvement of existence as a doctor and human being to live as God's creation.                                                         

hari minggu hari bersama keluarga, minggu itu kami sarapan bubur ayam terenak di Nunukan(the best breakfast in Nunukan Island: Bubur ayam _on sunday family day) 

one sunday my friend ask me to draw "aren trees" (a palm tree that produce sugar) . From him (mr. Dian Kusumanto I know a lot about this tree_

two guys enjoying "Coto Makassar"

my children are always my best object to sketch

mulyodarmo ajiputra on my office desk

a few sketch at the Hospital

outpatient care unit

one-day at ER, a baby had been treated for her febrile convulsion caused by high level of temperature
radiology department; a patient suffering broke right clavicle is having imaging procedure

last but not least, a mother through a sectio cesar procedure_this one is my favorite capture

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